63. Singing the Depths
63. Singing the Depths
Given that more than 70 percent of our world is ocean, and that they contain 91 percent of the world’s water, isn’t it surprising how little we still know about this life-giving, awe-inducing body? These exceptional researchers and authors help us understand more about The Deep while speaking to the sense of wonder many of us feel upon contemplating the waves. James Bradley reckons with our complex connection to the seas, incorporating insights of philosophers, scientists, and artists to understand our impacts on the ocean in Deep Water. Amorina Kingdon uncovers magnificent, strange happenings in the deep sea in her revelatory Sing Like Fish, which documents how underwater animals use tapping and sound to navigate. Together, they paint a picture of the hidden brilliance of our marine ecosystems—and what we must do to protect and preserve them. Moderated by Laura Lynch.

Presented with the generous support of Pacific Salmon Foundation.
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