2025 Festival: October 20–26
Books & Ideas runs until June!

2024 Season


Youth Education Programming

Vancouver Writers Fest offers students in Vancouver and across British Columbia the opportunity to interact with celebrated writers through a variety of programs. We reach more than 12,000 students across the province each year. Discover how your students can engage with world-renowned writers or keep up to date on the latest, recommended releases by exploring our offerings.

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Our Youth Education Programming is presented thanks to the support of the Government of British Columbia, Bonnie Mah, and Wendi MacKay.


Youth Events

Students from kindergarten to grade 12 can join us to hear from inspiring authors at the 2024 Festival, from October 21–27! Click here to explore youth events.

Subscribe here to our Education Outreach mailing list for updates about all our youth programming.

Youth Writing

Every spring, the Vancouver Writers Fest launches a writing contest for short stories and personal essays. We’re thrilled to once again be organizing two writing contests for students in British Columbia:  an Elementary School Writing Contest for grades 5–7, and a High School Writing Contest for grades 8–12. The deadline for 2024 submissions is May 31, 2024.

Click here to learn more. 

Writers in the Classroom

Our popular Writers in the Classroom program returns for Fall 2024! Designed to connect children and youth to authors through live, interactive events, the fall instalment provides 14 author visits to schools across Metro Vancouver between October and December 2024.

During each Writers in the Classroom event, authors typically read from their work, discuss their writing process and answer student questions. All author visits are in person and typically last 60-75 minutes.

Writers in the Classroom is offered FREE of cost to schools, thanks to the support of the Government of British Columbia, Modo, and Bonnie Mah.

The deadline to apply for the Fall 2024 season of Writers in the Classroom was September 30, 2024.

Writers in the Classroom has allowed and impelled my students to believe that anyone can become a writer and to stay passionate in writing. Authors have given students personal tips and advice that worked for them and ignited young minds to be open to new possibilities!

I would highly recommend becoming involved in the VWF for entertainment but also to impress upon students that they can write about anything and with practice, their writing will improve. It is wonderful to see reluctant writers become unstoppable authors.

Thank you to the Vancouver Writers Fest for the virtual ‘Writers in the Classroom’ event with Indigenous author Michelle Good. Having an experienced author from a marginalized voice was very empowering for our students. Good’s presence allowed my students to engage in the process of literary analysis from the back end; how does authorship work, what are intentions and imperatives set, the experience of being intentional with their message.

Kevin and Basil Sylvester’s virtual Writers in the Classroom event led us to some important conversations about identity and I love that the authors told my students that the message of their book is to love and accept yourself. It is so important for them to hear that.

My Roots
Writing Workshop for Immigrant Youth

For the first time in 2023, the Vancouver Writers Fest offered our signature My Roots Writing Workshop to upper high-school students, thanks to the generous support of Robin Pascoe and Rodney Briggs.

Led by acclaimed author Tanya Boteju, this in-person workshop provided young writers from 16–19 with an opportunity to deepen and enrich their writing.

Stay tuned for details about the 2024 My Roots Writing Workshop.